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星期一, 5月 28, 2012


好消息! 我们已经创建了一个更简单的解封网站的方案,立即访问


伟大的中国防火墙是一个复杂的过滤系统,能够通过多种方法阻止网站访问。 常用的IP封锁 ,用Connection Reset来实施URL和包过滤,用Connection Reset来实施TLS(SSL)证书过滤, DNS过滤 区分IP封锁和URL过滤的方法是在页尾。



使用的CDN(Count Delivery Network)来隐藏你的网站的真实IP。 我自己做了一个简单的测试。 我创建了一个谷歌网站链接如下。4个域名。 CNAME记录:(目前尚未在中国封锁) > CDN启用 - >

A记录:(被IP封锁) - > CDN启用 - >

测试1和测试2仅用于确认该网站是可以访问的。 试验3和试验4模拟被封锁的IP的网站。  我选择了CDN是一个CloudFlare 的免费帐户。(你可以付费选择pro帐号,我更喜欢免费的) 这里是测试结果。   test1和test2都在中国访问。 测试3能访问,而测试4访问被封锁。 CDN启用时,它相当于一个反向代理。 因此,TEST3实际解析到CDN拥有的一个IP地址(在我这是CloudFlare的IP),从而绕过IP阻塞。 除非GFW阻止CDN的IP地址,(这也将阻止许多其他无关网站),才能封锁你的IP.


URL /包过滤

例如,您的域名是。 在URL中他们将过滤""; 在HTTP头中他们过滤""。 所以,example.com被封锁而aaaexample.com在中国能访问。 如果您的域名作为限制词过滤,应采用完整的网站加密。 对策1:您的服务器或VPS上安装SSL证书。 有些证书是昂贵的,而有些则是完全免费且无限时间的。 StartSSL提供免费证书,只需要你提交一个域名的电子邮件地址。而域名的电子邮件地址也可以从Google企业应用套件免费得到 。 对策2:使用 CloudFlare SSL选项之一的 灵活的SSL。以下是用户访问的图解

 用户 <-- SSL --> CloudFlare <-- non-SSL --> 网站主机 

这样,您可以节省亲自安装证书的力气,一键启用SSL。 然而,这需要一个专业版CloudFlare帐户和费用$ 20/月。

星期四, 5月 10, 2012

GreatFire 通讯【四月刊】--2012年四月



四月十二日的时候中国发生了一次大规模断网事件,很多网友反映,在两个小时的时间内,所有的国外网站全部不能访问。我们的数据也证实了,有的没有被屏蔽的网站也不可访问,但是很有趣的是,其他的一些国外网站仍是可以访问的。如欲了解更多信息,请参见我们在 Quora 上的回答。有人推测说当局正在测试一个新的、更严格的防火墙。但是这种推断与我们的数据不符。正如你从下面第一张图表中可以看到的,在中国被封锁的主要网站数据并没有大的变化。而且,第二张图显示了事实上在四月份的时候访问国外网站的速度比之前的月份更加快了。


Loading chart..

Alexa排名前500的网站 被封锁50%及以上的数目, 每个月. 来源.

星期四, 4月 05, 2012



你访问你会被重定向至是否加密(HTTPS)能否搜索被屏蔽的关键字是否在中国能访问 *NNY

所以,当键入 或时,你不会被重定向,而且搜索是加密的,即你可搜索任何敏感词。

你也可以使用适用于火狐和Chrome的HTTPS Everywhere插件。



星期四, 3月 29, 2012


Until a week ago, few Chinese had ever heard of Neil Heywood, and fewer still raised any questions when the 41-year-old British business consultant was found dead in his hotel room. Today, he is so famous — and such a sensitive topic — that China’s Internet censors have banned searches of Heywood’s Chinese name, Hai Wu De.




baidu: Neil Heywood

baidu: Heywood

baidu: 海伍德 (his Chinese name)


google: Neil&nbsp;Heywood

google: Heywood

google: 海伍德


weibo: Neil Heywood

weibo: Heywood

weibo: 海伍德


en.wikipedia: Neil Heywood

en.wikipedia: Heywood

zh.wikipedia: 海伍德



星期一, 3月 26, 2012



China's top leadership body is the Politburo which has 25 members. Of these, nine make up the Standing Committee which is the Chinese government's most important decision-making group. Seven of the nine are expected to be replaced this year. One of the candidates to fill these vacancies, Bo Xilai, was recently ousted in a scandal. Not surprisingly, much of the reporting on this incident is censored in China. More surprising, perhaps, is that all other members of the Politburo are censored on the Chinese Internet.

The following is a summary of all Politburo members and whether they are censored on Baidu, Google and Wikipedia, searching for their names in Chinese or Pinyin, respectively. Censorship on Baidu is marked in yellow and refers to confirmed self-censorship. Censorship on Google and Wikipedia is marked in red and refers to complete blocking of those pages. You can click on either to get more info on the results, or to test again in real time.

The discrepancy in results between Chinese character searches and searches in Pinyin may shed a little light on who is deemed to be a true danger when it comes to censorship.


星期二, 3月 20, 2012

Facebook, Google Plus, Uncensored Search etc without a VPN's mission is to bring transparency to online censorship in China and to that end we are continuously making our own improvements to how we monitor blocked searches and key words. This past week we launched a new version of our web site where we now provide real-time searches so concerned netizens can keep up to date with information which is being censored via the Great Firewall of China.

We are also fortunate in that we have a core of super users who are constantly and consistently testing our technology to keep abreast of censorship in China. After we launched the new version of the site, we received feedback from a user via Twitter:

Congrats on ur update. But it seems connection reset for https is not detected by ur server. e.g

After receiving this message we logged on to Facebook, checked out Google Plus and did some searches on Google, specifically for freedom and 六四. What's so special about that? These websites and searches are blocked in China but we were able to access them without using a VPN or proxy, the tools people commonly use to get around this censorship.

星期六, 3月 17, 2012

New Version of

We are very pleased to unveil a new version of today. Here are some things we've been working on in an effort to improve the web site and to bring transparency to online censorship in China. 

Real Time Testing 

You can now test whether any URL is blocked or restricted in China in real time. Just enter any website in the main search field on the top of this page and click Test Now. Or, when browsing a report on a particular URL, you can request to have it retested immediately by clicking Test Now on its page. This is the first time that real-time monitoring of key words in China has ever been publicly available. Other web sites share information about key words which may have been blocked in the past but which are now unblocked (or vice versa). Our real-time service will allow visitors to the site to monitor blocked key words in relation to breaking news stories in China. Visitors will also gain insight into anomalies that sometimes occur with the Great Firewall including the ability to see if blocked sites like Facebook and Twitter happen to be open in China for short periods of time. 


We now report blocks and restrictions as percentages over the last 30 days. For example, if a URL has been tested 10 times in the last 30 days, and as a result of those tests the connection was reset 5 times and the download speed was slower than 5 kbps 2 times, our report would state that the web site is 50% blocked (5 /10) and 20% otherwise restricted (2 / 10). This means that our reports will be more reliable by providing more information about how exactly these sites are being blocked or throttled. There are frequent glitches in the Great Firewall and the previous version of our website reported only on the latest status of a web site, which could give distorted impressions. 
