URL![]() |
上一次测试于 | 屏蔽* | 访问受限** |
https://friends.pts.org.tw | 1 天 1 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://freenode.net | 11 小时 37 分钟 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://freehebrew.hismagnificence.com | 16 小时 42 分钟 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://freedomhouse.org/regions/asia-pacific | 1 天 8 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://freebrowser.softonic.cn | 1 天 9 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://france-taipei.org | 1 天 15 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://foxovpn.com | 1 天 22 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://fosstodon.org/explore | 1 天 1 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://forum.hkgolden.com/channel/BW | 1 天 9 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://forum.gamer.com.tw/B.php?bsn=23805&subb… | 1 天 22 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://forms.zoho.eu | 1 天 16 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://forms.gle/UYR3RyYhSpmcLkB36 | 1 天 16 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://fly4.awings.cc | 21 小时 28 分钟 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://flv.ccdntech.com | 1 天 21 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://five.co | 1 天 9 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://firebase.google.com/docs/ios/setup | 1 天 12 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://films.cinemaghrebia.com | 7 小时 5 分钟 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://fever.rudkin.me.uk | 1 天 12 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://fengyuxiang.com | 1 天 22 小时 以前 | 50% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://fashiontibet.com | 19 小时 27 分钟 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://fangeqiang.com | 16 小时 22 分钟 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://familysearch.org | 1 天 14 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://f-droid.org/repo/nekox.messenger_601.apk | 1 天 22 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://eyq.eyfabric.ey.com | 3 小时 15 分钟 以前 | 50% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://examlite.com | 1 天 18 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://events.bloomberglive.com | 56 分钟 43 秒 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://eu1.dns.lavate.ch | 1 天 21 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://espaceclient.monchasseurimmo.com/dashboard | 10 小时 42 分钟 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://espaceclient.monchasseurimmo.com | 10 小时 44 分钟 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://espacebouddhistetibetain.org | 1 天 13 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://es.calameo.com | 1 天 19 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://es-static.rti.org.tw | 1 天 18 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://erp-framgroup.ecnet.com/WSWebClient/Def… | 1 天 15 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://eroticengav.com | 1 天 7 小时 以前 | 4% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://endeavouros.com | 1 天 5 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://en.xcream.net | 1 天 20 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiananmen_Square_… | 1 天 1 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pretty_Good_Privacy | 1 天 19 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NPR | 1 天 7 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/api.php | 1 天 2 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://en.interfax.com.ua | 1 天 3 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://en.greatfire.org/https/www.youtube.com | 1 天 16 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://en.greatfire.org/https/pop.gmail.com | 1 天 20 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://elearning.sosafe.de | 13 小时 29 分钟 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://elearning.ah-h.org | 1 天 14 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://eits.zyxel.com | 1 天 4 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://eew2.end9.eu.org | 1 天 11 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://edupolice.ch | 1 天 3 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://easydmarc.com | 21 小时 1 分钟 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://dxw0ea4h81rjt.cloudfront.net | 1 小时 50 分钟 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://duosuccess.com | 10 小时 44 分钟 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://dtunnel.com | 2 小时 23 分钟 以前 | 50% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://dtmmwy14a2xtt.cloudfront.net | 1 天 10 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://dsmm7pdubsp30.cloudfront.net | 1 小时 51 分钟 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://drop.fydeos.com | 18 小时 12 分钟 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://dqvkuuunexp6g.cloudfront.net | 1 天 16 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://download.cnet.com/Trojan-Killer-Portabl… | 1 天 15 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://doramax264.com | 10 小时 57 分钟 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://dongbo.cc | 1 天 11 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://doh1.b-cdn.net | 23 小时 21 分钟 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://doh.captnemo.in/dns-query | 1 天 21 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0ARhAbsvps1Pl… | 21 小时 47 分钟 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://do9hnk5kmuel4.cloudfront.net | 9 小时 52 分钟 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://dnslookup.org | 1 天 6 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://dnsforfamily.com | 1 天 14 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://dns.nextdns.io/info | 1 天 2 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://disneyplus.com | 1 天 12 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://discover.gumroad.com?a=319903443&gclid=… | 18 小时 17 分钟 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://discordapp.com/invite/MGGUEnu | 1 天 15 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://discord.com | 1 天 13 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://did.staging.datadrivencooking.com/health | 1 天 18 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://dg5ayhlh6jl5r.cloudfront.net | 1 小时 51 分钟 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://designtongue.me | 1 天 19 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://de.laborie.com | 1 天 9 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://dd1919.com | 23 小时 24 分钟 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://data.scmp.com/api/rest/app/v2/page.json | 9 小时 1 分钟 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://dashboard.gtmaritime.com | 1 天 7 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://d4t84b2hkx157.cloudfront.net | 9 小时 40 分钟 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://d3nedj91njc3hr.cloudfront.net | 9 小时 54 分钟 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://d3fl6eqej0ossk.cloudfront.net | 1 天 5 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://d3f53u330ucwkp.cloudfront.net | 1 天 21 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://d3953qdszbqbyi.cloudfront.net | 1 小时 52 分钟 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://d34z76ud51hcl7.cloudfront.net | 9 小时 51 分钟 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://d2rdpw23tn7qg8.cloudfront.net | 1 天 17 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://d2l9pherk8j8b5.cloudfront.net | 1 天 17 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://d2eikhd9e83v81.cloudfront.net | 1 天 17 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://d1zgb63drr2ag8.cloudfront.net | 9 小时 52 分钟 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://d1ssxz857pc9da.cloudfront.net | 1 天 23 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://d1qxmv247pxce0.cloudfront.net | 14 小时 55 分钟 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://d1q88zzddlkcnv.cloudfront.net | 1 天 23 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://d1niq08vfntl7v.cloudfront.net | 1 天 21 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://d1mh7il84qxl6t.cloudfront.net | 1 天 18 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://d1ltch2mfdfkfm.cloudfront.net | 1 天 21 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://d1i6trxfzvmxc9.cloudfront.net | 1 天 23 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://d1hpxc3moct63a.cloudfront.net | 1 天 23 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://d1h4zx99gglhn9.cloudfront.net | 1 天 52 分钟 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://d-api-cf.v-payment.io/pro_ebank/cobopay… | 1 天 7 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://ctinews.com | 19 小时 20 分钟 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://cs.uwaterloo.ca | 1 天 17 小时 以前 | 0% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |
https://crypto.com | 1 天 3 小时 以前 | 100% | 0% (in the last 90 days)% |