像是回应最近华尔街日报(WSJ)的故事似的,我们经历了有史以来第一个分布式拒绝服务(DDoS)攻击。这种攻击是通过发动向洪水一般的大量垃圾请求来使网站崩溃 - 就在这篇文章在撰写的时候,每小时有大约26亿次请求。一般的网站根本不具备能力处理这么大的流量,所以在濒临崩溃后不得不被迫下线。
You deserve that for been criminals to the free Internet.
Regarding the DDoS attack - please consider using Cloudflare as a caching layer for your website - they are good when it comes to defending against that sort of attack.
+1 you should sign up to Cloudflare. Let them soak up the attack so you only pay for legit requests.
If you use CloudFlare you'll have to release all your current AWS public IP's and get new ones. Also AWS does give you a layer of protection but it is manual and maybe hard to maintain if the DDoS is from zombies or botnet.
For instance, CloudFlare has a program specially for website that empower freedom speech and I think it won't cost you a penny.
Please sign up for CloudFlare. Even at $200/month you will get significant benefits and DDoS protection, they are REALLY good!
+1 for CloudFlare
Sent you an email, let me know if you need help setting Cloudflare up. If nothing else it's a great place to start.
You should look at CloudFlare. They are quipped to handle this sort of thing and they are definitely less than $30k per day!!!
Cloudflare is 'throttled' in China as with all the other CDN's.
Any requests to a CDN based resource are effectively denied.
Think again.
Cloudflare IP addresses is completely blocked in China. Using CF is not a good choice at the moment.
Create an Avaaz campaign to help support your conversation with Amazon? Might be easier than Twitter for a lot of your readers.
Consider deploying on premises protection to defeat the attack at the very edge of your network. @Corero allows for good traffic to pass, while mitigating the DDoS attacks in real-time.
Time to start naming names.
The president of China is Xi Jinping and everyone should know his name. Nothing in China happens without his consent.
Xi Jinping, Xi Jinping, everytime you hear about censorship in China you should think of Xi Jinping. Everytime you write about censorship in China you should make sure and write his name, Xi Jinping.
Rant over, start naming names people.
Use Fail2ban. No cost, easy to load and protects against several forms of attacks. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fail2ban
You can get a similar effect to Cloudflare (unfortunately minus the benefit of their massive infrastructure to absorb traffic) if you install mod_evasive (Apache module) and tune your config a bit. See the DDOS section in the included link, specifically lowering your timeout and keep alive timeout. Also turn down MaxRequestWorkers if your server is spawning too many processes. With mod_evasive, specify the DOSSystemCommand to ban the address using your firewall, for example, with iptables something like:
iptables -A INPUT -s %s -j REJECT
mod_evasive will substitute the %s for the source IP.
Check out:
mod_evasive: https://www.linode.com/docs/websites/apache-tips-and-tricks/modevasive-o...
Apache config: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/misc/security_tips.html
consider moving your hosting to ovh or online since they do not limit you on traffic. and they are cheap. and they offer the best ddos protection there is!
You may consider explaining to amazon that you are under attack and want the traffic dropped upstream.
Amazon should be able to do better than letting the host application absorb the requests (If they can not, I am rather disapointed).
Kim John Coon's suggestion above to try and identify and filter the abusive traffic with iptables will help take the load off your server.
I see that the effected services have been blocked to those outside mainland China. Good move to counter this attack, well done.
Time to start naming names.
The president of China is Xi Jinping and everyone should know his name. Nothing in China happens without his consent.
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Just get a firewall. Cisco if it's that bad. Or just use a dedicated ESF server for you're public ip and you'll be protected and it's got a very fast learning curve. We've been fending of attacks every minute from around the world with ESF. You'd be surprised how good this FW is and you don't even need a license.
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now we are under attack in AU
blocking, dns fudged to show fake errors, searchines and those widgest they have on so many other websies suddenle become full of outright malicious code .. and that gets worse and worse, even the operating systems (all of them) spit out fake error messages ... some stuff like that even in linux source code .. all operating syste, agffected and the symptoms are the same .. files mysteruiously get deleted (even text files and code), sites get blocked and things reguce to cionnect to local networks unless that is connected to to the outside .. everything suddenly wanting centralised "cloud" logins, and a lot of nasty code snuck into operating syustem updates .. seems like in the last month or so its suddenly malware everywhere on EVERY OS ..
and try searching for a clan install iso of anything and you are quickly under attack from just about everything out there ... ... seems like not just one corrupt corporation but a consortium of the most corrupt corporations on earth and ALL of it seems to be trying to bully people into handing over admin of their OWN pc to unknown third parties i"in the cloud"
"management" stops at the front router .. that the way it will STAY ..
do not EVER give in to those creeps - DO NOT BUY THEIR STUFF - make sure everyone knows
yes it IS getting into OS updates ..
in open source systems have a look! .. thetre are error messages designed to MISLEAD the users - obviously something malicious got in .. and where theres no siource code the effect is the same top - its in EVERYTHING that was updated over the last couple of months.
now the government here even officially passed a bill to fo censorship! .. and its happening all over the world .. same stuff about "metadata retention" .. and they talkk about usage data.. NO - its obiously a LOY more than that if they are putting code on every user pc, deleting their data witrhour warning, and even the error meressages lie and every attempt to get rid of it by trying to find a frees clean distro iso met with attack after attack .. javsript everwhere not just tracking bout way more malicious .. attacks from every direction .. never seen anything this bad... and anty info seems impossible to find ..
censorship everywhere
never would have thought it woyuld become like that over here.. but looks like the same talk from politicians, the same trolling and sloganising from corporations
probably not hard to giess what went on atr those secretive "trade talks"
this looks like planet scale totalitarism .. corruuption fgone mad ..
isd there anything left that is safe? .. how will anyone be abloe to da anyithing if you don;t know id that file will get deleted just after you save it!!!!
and its obviously for censorship , not "copyright" or any other broken nonsense .. whate else could it be if text files and code set it off even more than music or video and it doesn't seem to care whether you made it.
seems like its the worse malweare ever seen coming from every directopm at the same tind along with it a lot of suspicious trolling and "social engineering"
all I can find is the occasional leftover hint ... news items explaining anything rare (probably censored)
it looks like a consortium f the most corrupt corporations on earth have been changing the law in every counltry precendent by precedent over the last decade and syicking their dirrty fingers into everything.. not it sems the have a leash on nearly every government and their security agencies .. the most corrupt corporations on earth - and those obvously stacked meetings of so called "standards bodies" in recent years .. yes they are even hijacking network protocols...
.. probably not hard now to guess what went on in those secretive talks .. with all that happening since then
what sort of idiot would want to trust lowlife like that with anything?
by now they should know what I think if their "cloud" bullshit!
no .. no way
I would want let third party "management" run by people so corrupt near any box let alone break things, delete data and try to destry my life! .... I will fight in anyt way I can to keep those
creeps out.
it might help if there was a still a way to communicate with anyone without anything important or even slightly interesting disappearing .. but nonetheless they are not getting in my jouse .., I never wanted to be anyones enemy and won;t be selling out to their ways and hurtunbg anyone .. but I sure as hell won;t lert them control anything here!
so angry I can barely type...
don;'t want to even think about what other people might do .,.
no i despite how bad the furureits looking I just won;t put up with it ..
btrining that inot my house makes it *personal* and we must make sure EVERY company or person who helped them attack us NEVER EVER gets a cent out of ANYONE
yes - Im angry..
intersing though - if this were a file on my h
no i despite how bad the furureits looking I just won;t put up with it ..
btrining that inot my house makes it *personal* and we must make sure EVERY company or person who helped them attack us NEVER EVER gets a cent out of ANYONE
yes - I'm angry..
and don't wan't any "management" crap destroying my life .
and I never try to hurt anyone.. I'm actually still human, unlike those creeps
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