There are NOT millions of Twitter users in China. Here's proof


Originally posted by Jason Q. Ng at Blocked on Weibo, republished with permission.

The question of how many Chinese Twitter users there are made headlines a few months back when the market research company GlobalWebIndex published results from a survey which claimed that 35 million people in China used Twitter. Media outlets ran with the story of how there was a huge secret upswell in “free” netizens in China who climbed the Great Firewall to access blocked sites like Twitter, with the seeming implication being that revolución! was just around the corner. Social/human rights progress may still indeed take place in China in the near future, but most smart social media watchers agree it won’t be because of Twitter: Chinese folks just aren’t on the service in the same numbers that they are on other local social media sites like Sina Weibo, RenRen, and even upstart mobile apps like WeChat/Weixin. People (and even companies in advertisements) don’t pass around their Twitter handle in the same frequencies as they share their Weibo contact info.

Even if our eyes told us that Twitter seemed to have attracted an active but small group of activists in China—but not many others in the country—was there a possibility that we were all missing something? Was there really a secret group of Chinese Twitter users being overlooked? Fortunately, after this week, I hope we can finally dismiss GWI’s 35 million number once and for all. Inspired by an SCMP story detailing the findings of the Chinese Twitter user @ooof (h/t Steven Millward of Tech In Asia)—who cleverly used data on the website to conclude that roughly 18,000 people who posted a tweet in Chinese selected Beijing as their home timezone—this weekend I performed a similar test using publicly available tweets on Twitter utilizing its API. According to the data I extracted, there are most likely tens of thousands of Twitter users in China, not millions as claimed by GWI, a result that confirms @ooof’s finding. The exact numbers @ooof and I come up with may differ, and only Twitter itself would be best able to  reveal how many Chinese Twitter users there actually are, but our independent results are likely within an order of magnitude to the actual number of Twitter users in China, unlike GWI’s result which is about 2000 times greater than our calculations. The hard evidence backs up our what our eyes are telling us.

If you’re interested in the technical information of how I performed this fairly rigorous (though certainly not at the level of an academic research paper) test, read on. (Apologies for the non-Weibo-related post; I hope it’s still of relevant to those who read this blog.)

Data collection

According to the publicly available search results data from Twitter, nearly 44,000 users posted a message that Twitter classified as a Chinese language tweet during the 24 hour period between 12:38 AM EST Thursday, Jan 3rd and 12:38 AM EST Friday, Jan 4th. I arrived at this finding by utilizing Twitter’s search by language feature which you can access via their advanced search tool or simply using the search term operator “lang:zh”. Switch it over to realtime searches (if you’re more familiar with the Twitter API, essentially changing the result_type from “mixed” to “recent”) and you have a Twitter stream of all recently posted Chinese tweets—or at least what Twitter guesses is Chinese.

Twitter, like other folks (for instance, Google Chrome, which can detect if a webpage you are visiting is in a foreign language and will suggest if you’d like to translate it into your native language), utilizes an algorithm for guessing what language a tweet is to be classified as. The algorithm is not infallible, and I noticed that a small percentage of tweets on Chinese Twitter users’ streams were being classified as Japanese. For instance, take someone who posts primarily in Chinese, like Michael Anti. If you examine his Twitter stream via the REST API [1] and look for the key “iso_laguage_code” you’ll see that the large majority of his posts are labeled as “zh”, which is the code for “zhongwen,” i.e. Chinese (中文), but as of right now, 7 of his last 100 posts are marked as Japanese (80 are Chinese and 11 as English).


Obviously, because of the overlap in Chinese characters and Japanese kanji, this is bound to happen for just about any computer-based analyzer. [2] I thought about just doing a search for a whole host of common Chinese characters that were less commonly used in Japanese in order to get a more “pure” and inclusive list of Chinese language tweets, for instance , , , , , , , , , , etc, but what actually gets returned is a messy mix of Japanese and Chinese posts (and not even all Chinese posts since some don’t include these words) and for it to be useful you’d then have to develop your own tool for separating out the Japanese posts. Thus, for my purposes—getting something like 80+ percent of all the Chinese tweets—Twitter’s internal classification of what is Chinese is good enough (I’ll verify this in a moment).

Next was how to download these tweets that were marked as Chinese (the language—not as from China itself, that requires another step to be explained in a moment). Twitter has a wonderful API and a ton of developer documentation. If you have a question while creating a Twitter app, someone probably has already asked it and gotten a good answer. It’s a great community, but due to some very valid concerns (remember what-used-to-be the ever-so-common fail whale?…), there’s some fairly extreme rate limiting on accessing the search and timeline API. You can only hit Twitter’s server a certain number of times an hour before it cuts you off. Plus, I couldn’t figure out a way to have the REST search API return a list of all Chinese tweets without including a search term (I get the error “You must enter a query” when I drop the “q=”).[3] This caused me to use the public search widget mentioned above, which according to Twitter matches what you’d get from the REST version anyway.[4] The great thing about the search widget was that I didn’t experience a rate limit like I would have with the REST search API, allowing me to simply keep scrolling endlessly as long as I wished (until the browser crashed due to memory constraints). I put a paperweight on my keyboard’s page down button,[5] had lunch, and came back to copy the many thousands of Tweets now in my browser.

How many tweets exactly? 193,940. These 193,940 tweets were all the original Chinese-language tweets (native retweets[6] as well as, according to Twitter, messages detected as spam, were filtered out from this public search) posted between 12:38 AM EST Thursday, Jan 3rd and 12:38 AM EST Friday, Jan 4th and able to be found via the Twitter search API. Due to time limitations and a burning anxiety to get cracking, I only did a 24 hour period. If this were an academic paper or such, I would have captured a full week’s worth of tweets or possibly even more, but, well, I didn’t feel like waiting. According to @ooof’s graph, he used a whole month’s worth of tweets, which explains why his number of active users is more than mine.

An important note: these 193,940 tweets do not include every possible tweet that someone in China might have posted. Users who have made their tweets private obviously don’t have their posts show up in public search nor did my method collect tweets from people posting in non-Chinese languages from China (thus, ex-pats in China, unless they write in Chinese, are not included in this data). But otherwise, it sure looks like everything: it even includes a Chinese-language tweet that I, a self-classified English-language user in an American timezone, sent to @ooof. But to more rigorously assess the public search’s performance, I again went back to Michael Anti’s timeline and looked at all the 14 original tweets he made during my observation period. Of the 14, I found 11 in my downloaded data (and 1 more as an old-school retweet by someone else). I checked the 3 missing tweets and they are all listed as Chinese, so perhaps Twitter classified them as spam or simply didn’t capture them in the search; regardless, 11 out of 14 isn’t bad for my purposes, and, if I wanted, I could check other user’s timelines to see how many of their tweets were included in my download and adjust my numbers accordingly to account for those missing tweets. However, the takeaway is that the tweets I downloaded are, if not absolutely everything, than fairly close, and though any calculations I make might be off by some percentage, it’s at least within the correct order of magnitude, at the very least.


Having the set of all tweets during this 24-hour period, it was then trivial to extract out all the unique usernames (because some users posted multiple tweets during that time period), leaving us with 43,784 users who posted something in Chinese. We can then use Twitter’s GET stauses/user_timeline to look up a user’s timezone, language setting, self-described location, and geo-coordinates (here’s what mine looks like) and use a JSON parser to extract the information cleanly.

Due to rate limiting, it’s not feasible to check all 43,784 users, so I took every 73rd user (ordered by when they most recently made a post) to come up with a sample of 608 users. 165 were missing any timezone classification (two of them because they had switched to private mode, thus taking away access to their timezone info), comprising 27% of the sample, and 110 were listed as located in Beijing’s timezone,[7] 18% of the sample, numbers which largely mirror @ooof’s conclusion (see below table).


If I extrapolate out those percentages to my total population of 43,784 users, I get roughly 12,000 missing and 8,000 in Beijing. Of course, this 8,000 is the least it could be; as mentioned, it doesn’t include those who set their accounts to private, doesn’t include folks who may have their timezone mistakenly set elsewhere, doesn’t include users who didn’t post in that 24 hour period (these 7,921 might be considered hardcore daily Tweeters), and may miss out on any users whose tweets accidentally were marked as spam or were not captured in Twitter’s search API.[8] All of those reasons explain why my number is likely an undercount of the total number of Chinese Twitter users, but as demonstrated previously, it likely isn’t off by a whole lot. The primary reason why my number is so much lower than @ooof’s is because his data collection period appears to have lasted for a month, and thus he captured the more casual Chinese Tweeter; otherwise, my percentages largely confirm his.[9] Here’s the more detailed breakdown of which timezone user’s reported themselves as being in:

As for the other data I collected on this sample, location info was largely useless since it is user-specified. If folks decided to enter anything at all, it sometimes came in the form of fake locations like “In your HEAD” and “On your bed.” Of the 364 who did supply a location, 40 contained either “China” or 中国, and if I had time, I could sift through the rest and try and figure out if they might also be candidates to be China-based users.

Finally, I looked at the primary language a user specified in their settings, which looks like it suffers from a much greater than expected number of English language users, likely to to Twitter defaulting to English. I’m not certain how Twitter chooses your initial language, whether it’s always English unless you manually set it, or if it takes the language of the browser or perhaps your IP address (which perhaps redirects you to a location/language-specific signup page), but this data is flawed. Regardless, here’s a pie chart of the percentage of languages specified in the 608 person sample in case you’re curious.



I can’t conclusively say whether there are 10,000 or 18,000 Twitter users in China, but based on the data I pulled and the method I used to analyze it (and without knowing more, probably a method quite similar to what @ooof used), I can say conclusively that there are NOT 35 million Twitter users in China. If there were indeed that many, you’d see it in the quantity of Chinese-language tweets.[10] Looking at the Twitter stream, there just aren’t that many Chinese language tweets. However, despite the various limitations mentioned above in my data collection process (only one day, doesn’t include private accounts, doesn’t include non-Chinese language posts from China), the number of active Twitter users in China is almost definitely between 10,000 and 100,000, several orders of magnitude less than what GlobalWebIndex calculated from their social media in China survey.


[1] Version 1, which is apparently on its way to being mothballed in favor of 1.1 which will require authentication, so this link may not work in a couple months. ^

[2] Though based on what I’ve seen, Twitter’s algorithm, though serviceable, could definitely be improved. ^

[3] If someone knows what value to set q= to, by all means let me know on Twitter or via the contact form. Apparently if you have Firehose access, you don’t have to deal with rate limits. Also, if I’m reading things correctly, Twitter’s new streaming API supposedly lets developers hook into the public stream and just suck up tweets that match certain criteria with a much greater range than the simple search API that I relied on, which, as Twitter warns, is not exhaustive, supposedly with spam messages and the like being filtered out (a rather good side effect of having to use the search API rather than the streaming API). As I don’t have access to the former, which is apparently very hard to come by, and a lack of time in learning the second, I went with the quick-and-dirty approach in this investigation. If this were for a research paper or something where I needed much more precision, certainly, the streaming API would be the way to go, but as I mention later in the post, my method was for the most part good enough. Someone who has an extensive database of tweets like the folks at Sysomos claim could arrive at an even more precise number than we have. ^

[4] According to Twitter, this REST version of the search API is the exact same thing as what you’d get with the general search tool/widget: “The Search API (which also powers Twitter’s search widget) is an interface to this search engine.” ^

[5] I told you, not super scientific was I in this task, but this was by far the fastest way and didn’t sacrifice anything in the data collection. ^

[6] Native retweets are the ones where you just click the retweet button in Twitter and they appear instantly on your timeline with the other person’s profile photo. Old-school retweets, which are included in my set of downloaded tweets, are when you manually copy and paste a persons tweet and append an RT in front. Excluding native retweets hopefully reduces the amount of robot accounts which do nothing but aggressively retweet. ^

[7] My sample also had 3 users who selected Chongqing as their timezone. I grouped that into Beijing for the above pie chart, but broke it down in the table. ^

[8] So long as a user had even one tweet get listed in the Twitter search, they were included in my total of 43,784. If you wish to verify, check any user who made a Chinese post on Jan 3 and check to see if they are on this list. If not, do let me know. ^

[9] The only one where we differ greatly is Tokyo, with his data concludes that under 1% reside there while mine puts it at over 3%. This could simply be a matter of our samples or something else; otherwise, everything else matches fairly well. ^

[10] If you search for all the English-language posts on Twitter the same way I did for Chinese, you’d have to scroll for a very, very long time before you even go back through a single minute’s worth of tweets. ^



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星期一, 11月 25, 2024

China’s New Effort to Achieve Cyber Sovereignty

How Real-Name Registration policies create an “ideological firewall” that chills dissent by eliminating user anonymity and selectively restricting transnational access to Chinese social media apps.

星期四, 8月 10, 2023

1.4 million people used FreeBrowser to circumvent the Great Firewall of Turkmenistan

Since 2021, the authorities in Turkmenistan have taken exceptional measures to crack down on the use of circumvention tools. Citizens have been forced to swear on the Koran that they will not use a VPN. Circumvention tool websites have been systematically blocked. Arbitrary searches of mobile devices have also taken place and have even targeted school children and teachers.

The government has also blocked servers hosting VPNs which led to “near complete” internet shutdowns on several occasions in 2022. Current reports indicate that 66 hosting providers, 19 social networks and messaging platforms, and 10 leading content delivery networks (CDNs), are blocked in the country. The government presumably is unconcerned about the negative economic impact that such shutdowns can cause.

星期五, 3月 18, 2022

Well-intentioned decisions have just made it easier for Putin to control the Russian Internet

This article is in large part inspired by a recent article from Meduza (in Russian).

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Russian users have had problems accessing government websites and online banking clients. Browsers began to mark these sites as unsafe and drop the connection. The reason is the revocation of digital security certificates by foreign certificate authorities (either as a direct consequence of sanctions or as an independent, good will move); without them, browsers do not trust sites and “protect” their users from them.

However, these actions, caused - or at least triggered by - a desire to punish Russia for their gruesome actions in Ukraine, will have long-lasting consequences for Russian netizens.

Digital certificates are needed to confirm that the site the user wants to visit is not fraudulent. The certificates contain encryption keys to establish a secure connection between the site and the user. It is very easy to understand whether a page on the Internet is protected by a certificate. One need just look at the address bar of the browser. If the address begins with the https:// prefix, and there is a lock symbol next to the address, the page is protected. By clicking on this lock, you can see the status of the connection, the name of the Certification Authority (CA) that issued the certificate, and its validity period.

There are several dozen commercial and non-commercial organizations in the world that have digital root certificates, but 3/4 of all certificates are issued by only five of the largest companies. Four of them are registered in the USA and one is registered in Belgium.

星期一, 8月 03, 2020

GreatFire 应用生成器 发布

GreatFire ( 是一家专注于中国的审查监督组织,我们自豪地宣布一个新的反审查工具,该工具将使任何被屏蔽的媒体、博客、人权组织或民间社会组织反制审查,将其内容得以传播到中国和其他互联网审查国家的数百万读者和支持者的手机上。

GreatFire 已经构建了一个名为“GreatFire 应用生成器”的网页程序,任何组织可以使用它来为中国和其他国家的用户解锁他们的内容。任何人可以访问 (,该网站将编译一个带有自己logo的应用,并将包含他们以前被封锁的内容。该应用还将包含一个特殊的、绕过审查的网络浏览器,以便用户可以访问未经审查的网络。这些应用将使用包括机器学习在内的多种策略来规避中国当局先进的审查策略。这个项目在其他有类似中国的审查限制的国家也同样有效。对于组织和最终用户而言,这些应用将免费、快速且非常易于使用。

这个项目的灵感来自于GreatFire自己的应用 自由浏览(的第一手经验,并希望帮助那些可能没有内部专业知识来规避中国审查制度的小型非政府组织。GreatFire的反审查工具在中国发挥了作用,而其他工具却没有。自由浏览可以引导中国的互联网用户从应用的首页进入被僧所内容的导航(。


人权基金会 (HRF) 已经使用 GreatFire 应用生成器 创建了一个应用程序HRF 在全球范围内促进和保护人权。该组织的使命是确保自由在世界范围内得到维护和促进。 HRF 的网站 在中国被封锁, 但现在中国任何人都可以 下载 HRF Android 应用程序 并访问该网站的信息。

“现在是中国政府防火墙倒塌的时候了,”人权基金会战略顾问王珍妮说。 “与我们在 GreatFire 的朋友一起,我们致力于击败中国的审查制度——在每一部手机。”

GreatFire 应用生成器 的起源可以追溯到 2014 年,当时开放技术基金 (OTF) 支持 GreatFire 的“依附的自由”实验。该项目直接导致了 2015 年中国政府的大规模网络攻击,后来被称为“大炮”。 OTF 还为 GreatFire 开发,该网站正在跟踪苹果对包括香港在内的全球应用商店的审查情况。

自由浏览 是“大炮”攻击的直接结果,五年后,我们很高兴能够向任何可能遭受中国当局审查的组织提供我们的方法。 

星期五, 7月 24, 2020

Apple, anticompetition, and censorship

On July 20, 2020, GreatFire wrote to all 13 members of the Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial and Administrative Law of the U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary, requesting a thorough examination into Apple’s practice of censorship of its App Store, and an investigation into how the company collaborates with the Chinese authorities to maintain its unique position as one of the few foreign tech companies operating profitably in the Chinese digital market.  

This letter was sent a week before Apple CEO TIm Cook will be called for questioning in front of the Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial and Administrative Law. The CEOs of Amazon, Google and Facebook will also be questioned on July 27, as part of the Committee’s ongoing investigation into competition in the digital marketplace.

This hearing offers an opportunity to detail to the Subcommittee how Apple uses its closed operating ecosystem to not only abuse its market position but also to deprive certain users, most notably those in China, of their right to download and use apps related to privacy, secure communication, and censorship circumvention.

We hope that U.S. House representatives agree with our view that Apple should not be allowed to do elsewhere what would be considered as unacceptable in the U.S. Chinese citizens are not second class citizens. Private companies such as Apple compromise themselves and their self-proclaimed values of freedom and privacy when they collaborate with the Chinese government and its censors.

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